The M8 is the latest and smallest lighting fixture in ARRI’s highly successful M-Series of HMI lampheads. Like the rest of the M-Series, the M8 is equipped with MAX Technology, a unique, patented reflector design that unifies the advantages of a Fresnel and a PAR fixture.
The combination of an open face design and the unrivalled efficiency of the MAX Technology reflector makes the M8 exceptionally bright; in fact, the light output produced by its 800 W lamp comes close to the output from a 1,200 W Fresnel or PAR (with lens). The unit can be focused between 15° and 60° just by turning the focus knob, producing a remarkably even light field and a crisp, clear shadow. By eliminating the need for bulky, easily breakable spread lenses, the M8 will speed up workflows on set.
More light, less work
More light, less work
The M18 is an 1,800 W open face lamphead, combining the Academy Scientific and Engineering Award-winning lens-less optical technology of the ARRIMAX with the innovative True Blue design. The result is an extremely powerful lamphead, as small as a 1,200W PAR but with a 70 % higher light output. The M-Series M18 fixture is adjustable from 20° to 60° without requiring spreader lenses.
A member of the ARRI M-Series, the M40 is a lens-less system that unifies the advantages of Fresnel and PAR fixtures. The unit is open face and thus very bright: around 30 % brighter than an AS40 in spot. Due to its unique, patented MAX Technology reflector, it is also focussable over a range of 18 to 52° Half Peak Angle. The M40 gives a remarkably even beam spread that casts crisp shadows over the whole focus range. The reflector characteristics is optimised for 4,000 W lamps, but can also be used with 2,500 W lamps.
The lamphead is equipped with a CCL module (Compensation of Cable Losses). When operated with the ARRI EB 2.5/4 kW High Speed AutoScan with CCL, full power is maintained all the way to the lamp even when very long cables are used. This means uniformly high light output indepent from cable length.
More light, less work
More light, less work
The M90 closes the gap between M40 and ARRIMAX 18/12, which sits almost exactly in the middle between the two. The unit is focusable from 15° up to 49° just by turning the focus knob, producing a remarkably even light field and a crisp, clear shadow.
The elimination of spread lenses speeds up the workflow on set.
The 9,000 W lamp is very similar in size to the 6,000 W lamp, which makes the MAX Technology reflector function perfectly at both wattages. The superior housing and cooling concept have made a very compact design close to the dimensions of the ARRISUN 60.
Together with the latest electronic high speed ballast, EB 6/9 HS with AutoScan, this combination represents the state of the art daylight system for high quality images at high frame rates. All EB 6/9 kW ballasts are equipped with CCL module (Compensation of Cable Losses) enabling full power is maintained all the way to the lamp even when very long cables are used. This means uniformly high light output independent from cable length. Since the accompanying EB 6/9 kW ballast uses the housing of the current EB 6000 Baby, the 6 kW Head-to-Ballast cables are compatible and the whole system is highly efficient and delivers a light output close to a traditional 12 kW PAR (with lens) within the dimensions of a 6 kW PAR system – it punches above its weight!
The original Academy Award-winning ARRIMAX remains the ultimate choice for productions requiring maximum light output. The 580 mm (22.8”) diameter, parabolic facetted reflector provides continuous focus adjustment from 15° to 50° beam angle and, since the ARRIMAX does not require a set of spread lenses, shadows are sharp and easily cut.
Safe and easy for both lamp type bases 18/12 kW, 18,000 W single ended lamps use a sturdier GX51 lamp base for which ARRI engineers have designed a special lampholder that alleviates mechanical stress from the lamp pins, now serving only as an electrical connection. The lamp clamping mechanism is self-aligning and uses a rugged, recessed lamp lock handle. To ensure that crews can easily use 12,000 W lamps or versions of 18,000 W single ended lamps with G38 bases, the new lampholder accepts either lamp type with no modification or adjustment.
More light, less work